Day: June 3, 2013

Fifty shadesFifty shades

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 4:59 pm

“There will always have to be bad writers, for they answer to the taste of the immature, undeveloped age-group; these have their requirements as well as do the mature.  If human life were longer, the number of mature individuals would preponderate or at least be equal to that of the immature; as things are, however, most by far die too young, that is to say there are always many more undeveloped intellects with bad taste.  These, moreover, desire that their requirements be satisfied with the greater vehemence of youth, and they demand bad authors and get them.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human (emphasis in original; trans. Hollingdale)

“Extinguisher” and “Unpacking the Object”“Extinguisher” and “Unpacking the Object”

Tetman Callis 2 Comments 6:53 am

Two new pieces are posted this morning in the “Previously Published Stories” sidebar.  Last year the editors at Salt Hill contacted writers who had previously had work published in the magazine–mine was “Tossing Baby to the Tiger,” published in Salt Hill 14–and asked us if we would submit new work to be considered for their anniversary issue, Salt Hill 30.  I sent something and they rejected it.  They asked me to try again and I sent “Extinguisher” and they accepted it.  They also asked me if I could write a little something about the story and how it was written.  I did and that is “Unpacking the Object.”  The two pieces are understandably published together here.

Hanged for a tokenHanged for a token

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 4:21 am

“The truth is that pornography is just a sad affair all round (and its industrial dimensions are an inescapable modern theme).  It is there because men—in their hundreds of millions—want it to be there.  Killing pornography is like killing the messenger.” – Martin Amis, The War Against Cliché