Day: November 12, 2011

High Street 6.2 — Life During Wartime (cont.)High Street 6.2 — Life During Wartime (cont.)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 2:42 pm

“Every woman artist will tell you that she exists in a universe of discourse created by men, works with a language created by men, a language suffused, colored, drenched in male desire.  That is, every woman artist is speaking a foreign language, like Beckett writing in French.  This should not be overstressed, because the languages involved have much in common—indeed, so much in common that they appear at times to be exactly congruent, like a photograph of a photograph.” — Donald Barthelme, “On the Level of Desire” (from Not-Knowing, ed. Herzinger)

High Street 6.2 — “Life During Wartime” (cont.) is posted today.

(Tomorrow: High Street 6.3 — “Life During Wartime” (cont.))