Day: September 4, 2017

Figure it outFigure it out

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:28 am

“Whenever you hear anyone talking about a cultural or even about a human problem, you should never forget to inquire who the speaker really is. The more general the problem, the more he will smuggle his own, most personal psychology into the account he gives of it. This can, without a doubt, lead to intolerable distortions and false conclusions which may have very serious consequences. On the other hand, the very fact that a general problem has gripped and assimilated the whole of a person is a guarantee that the speaker has really experienced it, and perhaps gained something from his sufferings. He will then reflect the problem for us in his personal life and thereby show us a truth. But if he projects his own psychology into the problem, he falsifies it by his personal bias, and on the pretence of projecting it objectively so distorts it that no truth emerges but merely a deceptive fiction.” – Carl Gustav Jung, “The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man” (trans. R.F.C. Hull)